dimanche 22 novembre 2009
par armenfrast
popularité : 100%
"We Die for The Watcher"
Orcish barbarians harry the northern trade routes through the cold north of the Theocracy of the Pale, serving a mysterious lord known only as The Watcher.
Plagued by a series of bizarre animal mutilations, the terrorized folk of the village of Tristor turn to adventurers to help them where hunters, vigilantes, and soldiers could not. Someone, or some thing, is sending a message to Tristor, and all fear the inevitable - when the gruesome murderer claims its first human victim.
I (Erik Mona) coordinated the publication of this adventure during my tenure as the head of publications for the RPGA organized play network.
The adventure was sent exclusively to RPGA members, and was never sold in stores. Extremely limited quantities of this adventure were published, and it has been very difficult to find ever since.
A l’époque pour valider l’aventure dans le cadre du démarrage de la campagne Living Greyhawk, il fallait envoyer un compte rendu détaillé du déroulement de l’aventure. J’ai retiré les parties techniques (nom des membres, détail de l’expérience et des objets trouvés).
Documents joints
Fright at Tristor
Compte-rendu de l’aventure
The Fright at Tristor (Adventure)
Une copie du scénario RPGA - The Fright at Tristor
Un petit frère (un fork amical) à Oerth Journal, vient tout juste d’être publié. Il contient plus de 150 pages, essentiellement d’aventures, rédigées par les amateurs et les spécialistes du monde de Greyhawk.